
Thursday, September 2, 2010

*Disclaimer: this is a poem from the viewpoint of a dying man, trapped in the ruins and decay , the effect of an earthquake. he adresses the love for his better half and the sorrow in missing her after his death.

I cant speak it again,
'cos I miss you, I'm in pain,
Though my heart recites it,
its maimed, for it's you whom it needs.

Donno how to adorn my love,
for now I am almost indolent,
amidst in this ruin and decay
your love solely
makes me appeased and content.

you enriched my life'
ever since we met
since the moment we were together,

your sapient thoughts
The noble smile
The concerned touch
I fell for you in toto.

But life had something different for me
my fate saith, I am lifeless.
though my body seems ossified
my soul's still alive.

Lem'me tell ,"I still love you"
though death can never be won,
for death is the Immortal.

though I am stuck in the fatal mesh,
my heart still beats for you,
even though I am lifeless,
my heart whispers,
"I still miss you , will ever after,
"I still love you , will ever after"

*I am confused what to title this poem,,,suggestions are welcome!


  1. Nice poem. Liked it very much. I have a title suggestion: Love You Always.

  2. @sg: thanks and yes..the tittle suits it
